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CA: 0x14bFc34B292AA3F8aFA0c366244fFB77F72761f6


“The Night Riders” Matt Furie’s debut book, in which the main character is a frog that served as inspiration for Pepe in the “Boy’s Club” book. That’s why the contract proudly states “the OG Pepe.” This is the OG contract that starts with “0x14”


1. Create a Wallet

2. Buy some ETH

3. Go to Uniswap

4. Switch ETH to $TNR


Max Total Supply: 100,000,000,000TNR

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This page provides information about $thenightriders for community members and interested individuals. It is not associated with the creator of $thenightriders meme coin. $thenightriders is a meme coin without any inherent value or the promise of financial gain. It lacks a formal team or roadmap. The coin is purely for entertainment and serves no practical purpose. $thenightriders coin is not affiliated with Matt Furie or his creation, Pepe the Frog. This token is a tribute to a beloved meme that is widely known and cherished.